Traditional Nursing

The application for the Fall 2025 cohort at the Wallace Drive campus will open in March 2025 and close in May 2025.

Traditional Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) Program requirement checklist:

  1. Nursing program applicants must be unconditionally admitted to the college. Apply for Gadsden State admission.
    • Nursing applicants must have a GSCC student A-number and access to their student portal to apply to the nursing program.
  2. Submit an online nursing program application by 8 a.m. on the posted deadline. Late applications will not be considered.
    • Apply for the summer semester day program at Gadsden State Cherokee in Centre from December to Feb. 1 each year. See application information for exact dates.
    • Apply for the fall semester day program at the Wallace Drive Campus in Gadsden starting in mid-March and due by mid-May of each year. See application information for exact dates.
  3. Submit supporting documents to the GSCC Admissions Office 10 days prior to the posted application closing date:
    • Official high school transcript or GED scores
    • Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities
    • Official ACT scores. A minimum composite score of 18 on the national or residual ACT test is required for program application. There is no time limit on exam scores for program application. NOTE: SAT scores may be converted to the equivalent of an ACT score and used for program application.
  4. Minimum of 2.5 GPA for nursing program core academic courses. This will be calculated from the highest grade of any of the nine academic courses taken on the nursing program curriculum. (The college GPA calculator at can be used to assist you with calculating this GPA.)
  5. A minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA at Gadsden State or institution from which student is transferring if no courses have been completed at GSCC. (This GPA includes all college courses taken, not just the courses on the nursing program curriculum.)
  6. Nursing applicants must have successfully completed the following courses with a grade of C or better prior to application:

    • English 101
    • Math 100 or higher level. (MTH 116 does not count as a higher level math.)
    • Biology 201
    • Biology 202
  7. All other required courses for the Nursing program need to have a grade of C or better. Courses include ORI 101, SPH 106 or 107, PSY 210, BIO 220 and a Humanities elective.
  8. Must be in good standing with the College.
  9. Must meet the Essential Functions (see below) required for nursing students.

**Applicants previously enrolled in any nursing program other than GSCC must provide a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean or Director of the previous program. This letter will be submitted to the Program Director before the application deadline.

After acceptance to the nursing program students will be required to complete the following before registering for nursing courses:

  • Present a clear criminal background check and drug screen.
  • Complete a health physical.
  • Submit a completed health questionnaire and immunizations records.
  • Submit proof of health insurance. Students who do not show proof of insurance will not be allowed to attend clinical.
  • Complete CPR certification if needed.
  • Attend nursing program orientation.

For additional information or questions, please contact Jarae Szydlowski at 256-549-8478 or


Start Here:

Step 1 – Review the Application Information below before continuing with the application process. You must have a Gadsden State student A-number and access to your student portal to fill out the online nursing program application. If you have issues, please contact the Help Desk.

Step 2 – Submit the nursing program application. After logging into your student account, you will be directed to the program application.

Step 3 – Read Page 1 of the application thoroughly. Complete Pages 2 and 3 and upload any required documentation. Sign the application on Page 4 and submit. No changes or additions can be made to your application after you submit. No paper applications will be accepted.

Step 4 – Verify that you received a submission confirmation email to your GSCC student email account. Save the email in the event it should be needed.

IMPORTANT: If you need to save your application and complete it at a later date, click “Save Progress” at the bottom of the application screen. When you are ready to complete the application, log in to your myGadsdenState account and click the NextGen link in your Launch Pad. View your Pending/Draft forms to resume the saved application.

Traditional Nursing Application